Hudna (Conditional Ceasefire based on P10K FORCE Arrival in Palestine)

"If the Palestinian resistance feels they are alone, they will use weapons, but if the world community comes, then we will use other methods, to peacefully take our freedom."
Awni Mashni - Fatah

UPDATE February 2006 - A ceasefire (hudna) has now been in place for one year and Hamas (the newly elected government) has been honouring that ceasefire throughout. We expect that P10K will only strengthen this ceasefire and dialogue with Hamas is forthcoming to confirm if this is true.

My greatest goal in life is to see a better world, a sane world where Human Rights are uniformly respected and Justice and Peace prevail for all. That goal very much in mind, I traveled to Palestine during the Christmas Holiday's of 2003, with one very specific objective; to explore the feasibility of an agreement in principle for a cessation of all offensive operations in Israel from the Militant Palestinian Resistance (Hamas, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Islamic Jihad, etc.) in return for mobilising a minimum of 10,000 western citizens (P10K Force) in Palestine. I affirmed what I had already come to believe, that this agreement was completely realistic.

Furthermore, based on my recent three month visit to Palestine and direct communication with so-called terrorists I know for a fact that a ceasefire agreement with the Militant Palestinian Resistance will happen. But not until several thousand P10K FORCE registrants are confirmed.

Essentially we as people need only prove we are serious, and immediately we will accomplish what our governments and the United Nations have so miserably failed to achieve for decades. We will effect and ensure a ceasefire and the application of legitimate international law.

Who has this power? We do. It is purely up to us.

Knowing this I am completely committed to proving to my Palestinian brothers and sisters that the rest of the world truly does care and more importantly that we are ready to act, non-violently, in solidarity, for Truth Justice & Peace.

Little known facts:

29th June, 2003 - Ceasefire Declared
Militant Palestinian Resistance groups voluntarily declare a ceasefire in order to see if the "Road Map" offers any chance for a just peace.

Israeli Violations and Provocations
20 Palestinians killed.
Israel dismantles a few outposts in the West Bank but allows more to be created.
Limited Israeli withdrawal from occupied towns, followed by reoccupation.
Construction of the illegal Apartheid Wall continues, annexing further Palestinian land.
IDF house demolitions in the Palestinian Occupied Territories continue.
Israel breaks its commitment to release 3000 prisoners. It does release more than 100 prisoners but arrests many more.

Palestinian Violations
One Israeli killed in a bombing on 7th July. Associated Press say they receive a fax bearing Islamic Jihad's logo which claims responsibility, but Islamic Jihad leaders distance themselves from the attack. Spokesperson Nafez Azzam in Gaza said: "We have no knowledge about the claim of responsibility and are still committed to this initiative and the truce."

One Israeli dies in bombing on 12th August in retaliation for the killing of two Hamas members in Nablus the previous week, and according to Hamas spokesperson Ismail Hanieh, "Israel's refusal to commit" to the Palestinian truce.

After weeks of Israeli violations, 20 Israelis die in bombing on 19th August, specifically in retaliation for the assassination of Islamic Jihad commander Ahmed Sidr in Hebron the previous week. The western media blames Palestinians for "shattering the peace" having failed to fully report widespread Israeli violations.

16th December, 2001 – Ceasefire Declared
Palestinian Authority (PA) declares ceasefire with the agreement of the Militant Palestinian Resistance groups. The PA takes extraordinary efforts to enforce the ceasefire. 1 Palestinian killed on day of announcenment.

Israeli Violations and Provocations
19 Palestinians killed

"The zionist argument to justify Israel's present occupation of Arab Palestine has no intelligent or legal basis in history."
Malcolm X

"We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being, in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence, by any means necessary."
Malcolm X

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) destroy the homes of 614 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
Israel assassinates Raed al-Karmi, a Palestinian Activist

Palestinian Violations
Not one Israeli civilian is killed for 28 days in a claimed attack.
On 17th January, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades finally responds by shooting dead 6 Israeli civilians in Hadera, Israel; 1 Palestinian killed.

In the following four months (18th January – 5th May), at least 636 Palestinians and 203 Israelis killed during the incursions of spring 2002.

The above facts illustrate why the P10K Force will be so powerful, because it is our presence that will provide the glaring spotlight that will compel Israel to halt its intentionally provocational policies or expose itself as a rouge state that has no genuine interest in a just peace.

The Truth is that the Palestinian people including those who resist violently want a just peace so bad it hurts; contrary to the lies and unreported facts of the corporate media propaganda machine. The same propaganda machine that is so largely responsible for maintaining western ignorance, apathy and most of all cynicism.

The Palestinian people want us to come, as do peace loving Israeli's. The Palestinian people who are so unjustly maligned as "violent" and "fanatical" are in fact among the kindest and most generous people most westerners will ever meet. They overwhelmingly resist non-violently everyday. They will wholeheartedly embrace us when we come, as they do the few of us who come here already.

Do we really care? I most definitely believe we do.

Those of you who have had it with the ever escalating cycle of violence, get ready to pack your bags... next