When will the P10K FORCE Deploy?

Once 10,000 registrations have been confirmed the P10K FORCE "60 Day Deployment Notice" will be dispatched and 10,000 plus of us will converge on Palestine, with the eyes of the world upon us no doubt.

We shall go understanding that Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons and has publicly stated its willingness to use them. This conflict is not an Israeli/Palestinian conflict, it is a conflict of global consequences with the potential to spark World War III and possible nuclear annihilation; so we should deploy without delay. Or are we waiting for the (un)United Nations?

The task now is to present the P10K plan without delay in order to find the people who see their role in it. Making P10K real is simply a matter of doing the work, step by step, never quitting. This is how all major tasks are achieved and P10K requires no less.

Make no mistake, P10K is growing, but the sooner people contribute, the sooner we will truly turn this world around for the better. If you agree with the P10K FORCE Mission, you accept and respect the overwhelming invitation by the Palestinian people to host the P10K FORCE, than the very best thing you can do is register online, right now.


"If the Palestinian resistance feels they are alone, they will use weapons, but if the world community comes, then we will use other methods, to peacefully take our freedom."

Awni Mashni (far right)
Awni Mashni - Fatah