America's Son turned "Enemy Combatant"
by Ken O'Keefe

Foreword; My writings reflect the understanding that humanities chosen course of ecological destruction is the essence of ignorance, wholly unsustainable and akin to collective suicide. Worse yet, humanity is additionally seriously flirting with total global nuclear annihilation via World War III. To my mind our very survival is at stake and the status quo is as good as a death sentence for all life as we know it. Those who believe otherwise will likely find my writing "extreme" and/or "offensive." I make no apologies. Those who think similarly will know that my words are a sincere and passionate call for direct action demanding sanity, justice and world peace… Now! - K.N. O'Keefe

I wrote this before I had made the decision to organize the Truth, Justice, Peace, Human Shield Action to Iraq, but now I will be heading for Iraq within a month. This is not a decision I take lightly but it is the right decision for me. It is my hope and intent to be a part of a global mass movement to expose truth, effect justice and end war. I believe that direct action & civil disobediance is the only way this can be achieved and that is why I live my life by example, not simply in words. But should something happen to me, it is my deepest hope that humanity will soon see the suicide path we are on at this point and change things for the better, once and for all. If not for ourselves for our children, we owe them that at the very least.

Associated Press - December 3, 2002
'The authority to kill U.S. citizens is granted under a secret finding signed by the president after the Sept. 11 attacks that directs the CIA to covertly attack al-Qaida anywhere in the world. The authority makes no exception for Americans, so permission to strike them is understood rather than specifically described, officials said.'

On November 3, 2002 the CIA exercised this power by firing a "Hellfire" missile that killed a carload of "suspected" (not convicted) al-Qaida operatives in Yemen. One of those individuals happened to be an American citizen (Kamal Derwish). American "authorities" allege he was the leader of an al-Qaida cell in Buffalo, N.Y., although he was never charged with a crime. Well I guess that's all the proof flag waving Americans need, surely the "authorities" wouldn't lie.

Associated Press - December 3, 2002
'The Bush administration said the killing of an American in this fashion was legal.'
"I can assure you that no constitutional questions are raised here. There are authorities that the president can give to officials,'' said Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national security adviser, after the attack. ''He's well within the balance of accepted practice and the letter of his constitutional authority.''

Somehow I managed to read the Constitution many times over and yet I never saw that part that provided the authority to kill persons extrajudicially. Well it's a good thing that George W. Bush is such a levelheaded "compassionate man" and such an astute observer of the Constitution. One can only imagine what abuses might occur if this immense power were abused?

Some might say that killing people who are merely "suspected" of criminal activity based on "secret evidence" supplied by "intelligence agencies" such as the CIA is contrary to the Constitution, perhaps "suspect" in itself, morally repugnant, and perhaps, murder? But "Thank God" the all-important "security" of the American people is not endangered by a weak government's unwillingness to make the hard choices and occasionally employ extrajudicial killings. The fight for "Freedom" and "Democracy" must not be compromised by peaceniks threatening to tie "our leaders" hands behind their backs in the name of the Constitution.

The United States Declaration of Independence
'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, ... That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.'

The United States Bill of Rights - Amendment XIV
'All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.'

As clear as this all sounds to the laymen such as myself, we now have new "public servants," those brilliant minds within the Bush administration who give us a new "interpretation" of the laws that govern us.

Associated Press - December 3, 2002
'In killing him, the administration defined Derwish as an enemy combatant, the equivalent of a U.S. citizen who fights with the enemy on a battlefield, officials said. Under this legal definition, experts say, his constitutional rights are nullified and he can be killed outright.'

Praise the 'experts' because the whole "unalienable Rights - innocent until proven guilty - due process of law" thing is a real pain in the ass anyway. Enemy Combatants must be dealt with and the sooner we can get rid of them the better!

But hey, just out of curiosity, what is the 'legal definition' of an 'enemy combatant'?

enemy. 1. One who opposes or inflicts injury on another; an antagonist. - Black's Law Dictionary Seventh Edition

antagonist n 1 : one that opposes another esp. in combat. - Webster's seventh New Collegiate Dictionary (no definition in Black's Law)

combatant. Int'l law. A person who participates directly in hostilities. - Black's Law Dictionary Seventh Edition

hostility. 1. A state of enmity between individuals or nations. 2. An act or series of acts displaying antagonism. - Black's Law Dictionary Seventh Edition

enmity syn HOSTILITY, ANTIPATHY, ANTAGONISM, ENMITY suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed; HOSTILITY suggests an enmity showing itself in attacks or aggression; ANTIPATHY and ANTAGONISM imply a natural or logical basis for one's hatred or dislike, ANTIPATHY suggesting repugnance, a desire to avoid or reject… - Black's Law Dictionary Seventh Edition

So 'enemies' are 'hostile;' they 'oppose' each other and wish to inflict 'injury' on one another. They often have a 'natural or logical basis' for 'hating' or 'disliking' each other and this can be identified by a 'desire to avoid or reject.' 'Combatants' 'participate directly' in 'hostilities' and 'hostility' is legally defined as 'enmity' and 'antagonism' for one another.

Well it's a good thing such a well-respected, open and honest organization like the CIA is identifying these people. One can only imagine if 'enemy combatants' were to be identified by less objective sources? And since President Bush makes the final decision we can all sleep easy. Boy I feel safer already.

Wake up world, those of us who fit the above description are not alone, unless you are a passionless robot slave, its coming you're way as well. Can you say "New World Order."

In Response to the Facts Above
With rare exceptions, I charge America's so-called "democratically elected leaders" throughout the 20th and 21st Centuries with high treason, understanding that ignorance of a crime and complicity with a crime is no defense.

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, then every Post-War American president would have to be hanged." - Noam Chomsky

I say loud and clear to the American people, your Constitution, the "Pride of America," is now all but dead and buried. You have your "leaders" (more correctly identified as traitorous puppets), your apathy (otherwise known as "economic prosperity") and your ignorance (self imposed denial induced by CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and just plain BS) to thank for that. Can you say "Martial Law"?

"Since March 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency..." - Senate Resolution 9, 93d - 1973

Wondering why?

"I think of all the damnable heresies that have ever been suggested in connection with the Constitution, the doctrine of emergency is the worst. It means that when Congress declares an emergency, there is no Constitution. This means its death. It is the very doctrine that the German chancellor is invoking today in the dying hours of the parliamentary body of the German republic, namely, that because of an emergency, it should grant to the German chancellor absolute power to pass any law, even though the law contradicts the Constitution of the German republic. Chancellor Hitler is at least frank about it. We pay the Constitution lip-service, but the result is the same." - Congressman Beck - Congressional Record, Farm Bill, 1933

Just like the "decent Germans" who did little to nothing to stop Hitler, most American's are likewise shaming themselves with their 21st Century Nazis. Yes I am comparing Bush and his clan to Hitler. Chancellor Bush and President Hitler, manipulators of World War and "Masters of Death," only worse this time around, as long as our fears and ignorance continue to shut out our hearts and minds.

Since 1933 there has been no repeal of America's declared "state of emergency," accordingly;
"The President may: Seize property, organize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute Martial Law, seize and control transportation and communication, regulate operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens." - Senate Report 93-549 - 1973

And don't forget about his Constitutional 'authority' to order the murder of anyone deemed a terrorist or simply associated with terrorists. "God Bless America."

"There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent an sudden usurpation." - James Madison (Architect of the U.S. Constitution)

"Comfortably Numb in America," like a bear waking up from hibernation to find a roaring wildfire surrounding him. What should he do? How about waking up sooner!

'Gradual and silent encroachment,' like that pretty gold fringe on the beloved "Stars and Stripes." The government is so bold and so confident in the stupidity of the American people that it throws it right in our faces. For those just now waking from their hibernation just try exercising your Constitutional Rights in the same U.S. courtrooms that have those pretty gold-fringed flags, your in for a shock. But of course, if you are a good little dupe who can wave a flag I suppose this is not important.

As for the Constitution; it would be more useful in its current state as toilet paper, yet it is effectively paraded in front of the "sheeple" for show trials like O.J. Simpson and Enron. But if your not O.J. Simpson or a multi millionaire executive in front of a national television audience, you can forget about the Constitution. How would I know? Because I am not a robot, I think for myself, plus I have experienced and documented violations of Article I, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, & XIV of the Bill of Rights firsthand. Don't know what those rights are? If you're an American perhaps you should? Maybe I learned it because I skipped my Flag Waving 101/How to be an "American Hero" class?

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." - Thomas Jefferson

With Regard to 'Enemy Combatants'
Understanding the above fraud along with the hideously murderous policies of the United States required me (for the sake of my conscience) to legally renounce U.S. citizenship. I cannot stop the madness myself, but I sure as hell do not need to lend my money or my name to the crimes. Sadly this action is considered "extreme" by most; I just see it as the right thing to do. Subsequently, I have relinquished my U.S. passport to the U.S. Government twice and have had it returned to me twice and was therefore compelled to burn it. This was necessary to make clear that I am not a U.S. citizen; furthermore I am not the property of the United States, despite the fact that the State Department essentially claims me as such.

I recognize the United States as the "Greatest Terrorist Nation of the 20th and 21st Centuries." I do not say that lightly, there are many horrendous atrocities but America clearly takes the prize. I recognize the CIA as the "Greatest Terrorist Organization of the 20th and 21st Centuries." Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida look like Mickey fucking Mouse compared to the CIA. At best al-Qaida is a junior partner in the terrorism and war making business, and what profitable business it is. Ever hear of the Carlyle Group? Just in case you have not I will give you a clue in the form of two names and one word; Bush - bin Laden - Shareholders. And a bonus quote;

"If you do business with terrorists, if you support or sponsor them, you will not do business with the United States of America." - George W. Bush, 24 September 2001

That could really hurt business George, might want to rethink that one a bit.

I am openly 'hostile' to the United States Government at virtually every level, especially environmental and foreign policy, and I have publicly called for revolution. Yes I said revolution, look up the definition if you don't already know it. Better yet, read about Gandhi, the "Greatest Revolutionary of the 20th Century." In addition I fully intend to contribute to the mortal blow that will ultimately destroy this government of traitors to humanity once and for all (albeit through lawful, peaceful means). As such, according to the legal definitions recognized in U.S. law, I am an 'antagonist' and I am definitely an 'enemy' of all agents, governments and nations that perpetuate the status quo of global injustice and tyranny. But at the same rate I stand with the victims of oppression and war; that explains why now I must go to Iraq. The first time around I came as a servant of imperialism, now I shall return as a servant to humanity. This is a small part of my ongoing penance.

Add to that the fact that I am a 'Seditious Conspirator' (according to the United States perspective) with an absolute commitment to getting the U.S. Government and Military out of Hawaii by supporting the true Hawaiian Government (see In short, I am a legitimate potential target of the U.S. It is fair to say that all that would be required for me to be "Constitutionally" murdered by the order of the U.S. President is some level of association with those who are violent enemies of the U.S. Perhaps I have met some of these people already? There is no way for me to know for sure but that doesn't matter, the cowards in the CIA can arrange such a meeting quite easily. After all, their primary business is terrorism and drug running. In fact I would be rather shocked if at some point a CIA agent or "asset" does not infiltrate my life in some way. For all I know this has already happened?

No matter what I will talk with and associate with any and all people I choose, no matter how the United States Government or its lap dogs labels them. The fact is that I want to hear firsthand what the enemies of the U.S. feel, some may be completely mad with hatred, others I am sure will be level-headed and truly interested in justice and peace. But if I am to be falsely labeled (because I seek to understand) as a "terrorist" by the "Greatest Terrorist," is in many ways an honor. If the U.S. Government were to praise me I would cringe with the knowledge that I must be selling my soul. I am not a terrorist and I never will be, but that does not matter, our world is not yet just. Reagan branded Mandela a "terrorist" while conducting truly terrorist wars in Central America and beyond. Saddam Hussein was once a valued friend, so was Noriega, Pinochet, etc, etc, etc. In fairness I would more accurately be described as an American Patriot who is defending the mortally wounded Constitution. The "Founding Fathers" themselves, America's Greatest Patriots, were (according to the British Empire) nothing more than violent "traitors," the 17th Century equivalent of today's "terrorists." If there was a King Bush at that time you can rest assured he would have murdered every last one of them had he the chance. Today's King Bush is doing just that, seeking out America's best and brightest and finding ways to eliminate them. So as a U.S. target I am in the company of those I respect most; Malcolm X, Huey Newton, the Black Panthers, Leonard Peltier, Alicia Rodriguez and all Puerto Rican Independence Warriors, Sitting Bull, Geronimo, the American Indian Movement (AIM), Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Animal Liberation Front (ALF), Earth First, and so many more that most have never heard of.

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home and leave us in peace. We seek not your council, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our country men." - Samuel Adams

Although I have established myself in both deeds and words as a person who is committed to non-violent, lawful resistance, this does not prevent me from talking to and understanding those who choose violent resistance. In case after case I completely understand the reasons for this choice, the Palestinians as one example.

Gandhi on the Palestine Conflict - 1936
"Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French...What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct...If they [the Jews] must look to the Palestine of geography as their national home, it is wrong to enter it under the shadow of the British gun. A religious act cannot be performed with the aid of the bayonet or the bomb. They can settle in Palestine only by the goodwill of the Arabs... As it is, they are co-sharers with the British in despoiling a people who have done no wrong to them. I am not defending the Arab excesses. I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regard as an unacceptable encroachment upon their country. But according to the accepted canons of right and wrong, nothing can be said against the Arab resistance in the face of overwhelming odds." Mahatma Gandhi, quoted in "A Land of Two Peoples" ed. Mendes-Flohr.

Understanding and Agreement on how to obtain justice are often two different things for sure, but in my desire to understand and communicate with those in the struggle I become a likely candidate for being falsely "linked" to the actions of those who use violence. So I will make it very easy for my declared enemies (the United States Government and their puppet masters), I hereby declare that I am voluntarily and admittedly "linked" in spirit to all those who resist and fight injustice, they are my brothers and sisters no matter what.

It is my hypocritical/criminal/sadistic power mongering brother and sister enemies in positions of authority whom I rightly reserve my scorn and anger for, I reject with shame all "links" I once had with you. You are the root cause of violence and terrorism. Those of us who have not lost or relinquished our capacity for independent thought can see all too clearly that you invite, elicit and require this violence/terrorism; it is the air you breath. And it is the all-important pretext for wars so ridiculously cloaked under the guise of "freedom" and "national security."

"They that would give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

I urge all who resist (once again), to hit your enemies at their greatest weaknesses; Truth, Non-Violence and Law. When these strategies are met with apathy or hostility thereby failing to prevent further injuries (as they all too often do), then property destruction that hits at the heart of the most powerful (without killing people) is in my mind strategically very useful and wise. This is the same strategy employed by Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress. After all, "money makes the world go round." But Gandhi's principles in action are even more effective, just ask the British Empire.

"Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore to resolve to conquer or die." - George Washington

Or you can take the violent route that America's "Founding Fathers" chose? It was fine for America to resist their "cruel and unrelenting enemy" who gave no mercy; should be fine for others. I cannot say in good faith that I would have done differently were I in the position of the Founding Fathers any more than I can say I would not fight as the Palestinians do. I see far more in common with their causes than I see differences, as would any objective observer. Staring down the barrel of a tank, dodging missiles fired from helicopter gunships, enduring 24 hour curfews for months at a time, hearing the roar of B-52's as they unleash hell from above, losing family to extrajudicial killings and enduring other such atrocities for simply being born in the wrong place or acting on your conscience while having the world ignore your plight is all that is rationally required for a person or nation to defend itself; both defensively and offensively. The unrelenting and merciless policies of the West with regard to the Arab world, especially U.S. policies, more than "justifies" violent "resistance." And that is according to George Washington and the true "Patriots" of his time. So perhaps we should stop these insane self-serving policies so akin to those of the British that justified our war with them? Nah, let's just bomb those Arabs back to the Stone Age and keep our gas guzzling "sport utility vehicles" and cheap gas; it's the "American Way."

"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." - Thomas Paine

In such an unjust world it is only by the grace of love and fate of geography that I have avoided violent actions myself (except as a U.S. Marine). Anyone who knows me knows that I am a passionate fighter for justice and I will resist and fight injustice to the end. But that does not make me "evil" and it certainly does not make me a "terrorist."

"Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated." - George W. Bush

In defense of my brother and sister victims who resist "by any means necessary," I wholeheartedly condemn the ridiculous statements made by hypocrites preaching peace while paying taxes to the same systems that invite and thrive on war. These are almost always the same people that condemn oppressed people who resist as "terrorists," while paying for their oppression. These people fund the United States military budget of 365 Billion Dollars! More than all other nations… combined! In a world where tens of thousands starve daily our collective insanity is revealed plain as day by this fact. At some point, all taxpayers who seriously want peace; not just talk about it; will have to cope with the fact that their taxes are diverted from desperately needed programs that save lives and instead are used to fund mass murder. Yes murder; ignorance is no defense. I charge myself (past tense) and all tax-paying Americans (and beyond) with complicity in mass murder. Not comfortable, but definitely true. You do live in a "Democracy" don't you?

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." - Gandhi

Denial may provide some temporary comfort, denial is powerful indeed, but denial has no effect on the truth. Until we as people demand an end to the unnecessary violence of our own nations, by simply refusing to pay for it, we have no right to condemn others as "terrorists." And we are hypocrites when we talk about peace, unless accompanied by serious action.

As far as hate is concerned, I feel no such emotion. Do not mistake my rage for hate; hate is the stage beyond rage where the emotion itself takes control. My rage is a rational response to the horrendous injustice that has plagued humanity since the dawn of so-called "civilization." I do not need to be the personal victim of injustice (although I have been) to feel the rage that results with these crimes. I need only open my eyes and my heart, like so many others choose to do. Actually, I use these powerful emotions of anger in constructive ways for the goal of justice, so I am not consumed by them, or victimized by them. In reality and ironically, despite my rage, it is my overwhelming love for all life that provides me my greatest strength. He who knows injustice directed at the object of his love also knows the anger born of those who would violate his love. Our world is the object of my love while the United States and the puppet masters who control it are the greatest violators of it. The task for the rest of us is to understand our common cause and unite. I thank you for that Mr. Bush, because in all your arrogance and stupidity, you are uniting us.

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased a the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry

On a purely emotional level, I think this is warranted; fuck you Mr. Bush, along with your fellow puppets. You are first class traitors who have sold your souls in the service of tyranny. Unless you reverse course forthwith, according to your own twisted realities you should be executed for mass-murder and high treason. You are attempting to destroy the Constitution and install a global police state that will be the end of freedom as we know it. And to quote the Declaration of Independence; 'whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.' Fuck altering your government, I say 'abolish it'…Now! And I stand with everyone who sees that as the very best thing that could happen to our world right now.

Well as far as can tell; I am no longer one of America's sons, yet I am not John Walker, but I am most definitely an enemy combatant. Are you?