July 1, 2002
From Kenneth Roy Nichols
"Resist always the defeatist views of the cynics who voluntarily relinquish their power and claim
that nothing can be done to create a fair and just world."


Quilibet Potest Renunciar Juri Pro Se Inducto
Anyone May Renounce A Right Introduced For His Own Benefit

WHEREAS, citizenship is synonymous with Allegiance, I have absolutely no Allegiance to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA;
WHEREAS, citizenship is synonymous with Residence, I maintain no Residence in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA;
WHEREAS, citizenship is synonymous with paying taxes, I pay no tax to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA;
WITH REGARD TO HAWAII, by virtue of "UNITED STATES PUBLIC LAW 103-150", the U.S. has legally confessed to the international crime of conspiracy by overthrowing the "sovereign and independent Kingdom of Hawaii";
WHEREAS, PUBLIC LAW 103-150 further concedes that "the Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty" as a people or as a nation;
WHEREAS, in accordance with
PUBLIC LAW 103-150, and superior Public International Laws, I recognize the Kingdom of Hawaii as the de jure (lawful) Government of Hawaii, as will all individuals and nations that honor law;
WHEREAS, Independence is synonymous with Freedom, the human right of Self Determination embodies the essence of Freedom;
WHEREAS, UNITED STATES Law, Public International Law, and Human Rights Law all affirm the right of Self Determination;
WHEREAS, every nation, state, or person violating the right of Self Determination is an enemy of Freedom;
"We the People," out of fear, have unwittingly relinquished our superior power in the face of a tiny minorities greed, manipulation, threats and violence;
WHEREAS, "We the People," can take that power back at the very moment we realize that it is ours, and many of us have already done so;
WHEREAS, I call on the people of the world to exercise their inherent dignity and inalienable right to Self Determination in defiance of the "New World Order."
WHEREAS, I call for non-violent lawful resistance in every form;
WHEREAS, I recognize oppression as the primary cause of violent resistance;
WHEREAS, the IMF, WTO, World Bank and the UNITED STATES create and enforce oppression;
WHEREAS, I embrace all my brothers and sisters around the globe, whether black, white, yellow or brown, who bravely resist oppression "By any means necessary." But I urge all such warriors to hit the oppressors at their most vulnerable weaknesses, non-violence, truth and law;
WHEREAS, the UNITED STATES is the only Western democracy in the world that opposes the newly founded International Criminal Court (ICC);
WHEREAS, the UNITED STATES stands side by side with China, Libya, Israel and two thirds of the "Axis of Evil," North Korea and Iraq, in opposing the establishment of the International Criminal Court;
WITH REGARD TO SO-CALLED "TERRORISM", we must distinguish between true terrorism and politically defined terrorism. The true definition follows:

· terrorism, n. The use or threat of violence to intimidate or cause panic, esp. as a means of affecting political conduct. Black's Law Dictionary

WHEREAS, the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation was terrorism;
WHEREAS, the extermination of aboriginal Americans was terrorism;
WHEREAS, the enslavement of Africans was terrorism;
WHEREAS, Hiroshima and Nagasaki was terrorism;
WHEREAS, the bombing of Southeast Asia was terrorism;
WHEREAS, military and economic supplying of Suharto was terrorism;
WHEREAS, the loyal support and aid of Apartheid South Africa was terrorism;
WHEREAS, the entire U.S. foreign policy of Central and South America was terrorism;
WHEREAS, the invasion of Panama was terrorism;
WHEREAS, using Depleted Uranium in Puerto Rico, Iraq, and the Balkans, was terrorism;
WHEREAS, the "Patriot Act" is terrorism;
WHEREAS, the "American Servicemembers Protection Act" is terrorism;
WHEREAS, the "War on Terror," is terrorism;
WHEREAS, the overwhelming majority of "U.S. Foreign Policy" is based on terrorism;
WHEREAS, the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, by virtue of the historical facts, is the "Greatest Terrorist" of the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries;
WHEREAS, I call on the unrepresentative, fascist, de facto, terrorist government of the UNITED STATES to be abolished and replaced by its opposite;
WHEREAS, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the single greatest terrorist organization of the 20th and 21st Centuries, and I call on the CIA to be abolished, as did John F. Kennedy shortly before his assassination;
WHEREAS, the true terrorists of this world, the CIA, the U.S. Federal Government, and others, are vile cowards and dupes who hide behind lies and secrecy in the name of "National Security" and the "War on Terror";
WHEREAS, I HEREBY REJECT the farce known as the "War on Terror," which is in reality the ultimate "War on Freedom";
WHEREAS, the UNITED STATES has no lawful authority to designate any individual, group, organization or nation as a terrorist;
FURTHERMORE, I hereby declare that I will support whatever individual, group, organization or nation I choose regardless of the absurd labeling of the UNITED STATES;
WHEREAS, the continued designation of Cuba as a "Terrorist State," by the UNITED STATES, is yet another embarrassing farce;
WHEREAS, I stand with the Cuban people and they're highly respected and popular leader, Fidel Castro, for whom I have tremendous respect;
WHEREAS, Cuba is a truly independent nation, a nation whose leaders have not sold out the interests of their people to "Foreign Investors" who would rape and plunder. A nation whose leaders, unlike virtually all other puppet governments of the world, have not become rich for their "Service";
WHEREAS, the "New World Order" as carried out by the UNITED STATES for over half a century and most notably by George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush Jr. is the single greatest threat to all life and freedom that the world has ever known;
WHEREAS, "If you're not with us, your with the terrorists" (George W. Bush - Sept. 20, 2001), I hereby declare that I am not with George W. Bush nor the U.S. Government, nor any entity loyal to them;
WHEREAS, under the so-called "Patriot Act," "Law Enforcement Agents" in the U.S. can legally kidnap "Suspected Terrorists" with no "Due Process," forcibly and indefinitely imprison them on U.S. military bases (by law), beat them (by law), torture them (by law), be denied chosen legal representation (by law), denied all contact with the outside world (by law), found guilty of "terrorist" crimes based on secret evidence and witnesses in a secret military tribunal (by law), and yes, executed (by law);
WHEREAS, the traitorous actions of the U.S. Federal Government through the passage of the "Patriot Act" has destroyed all civil rights the UNITED STATES Constitution and Bill of Rights were intended to protect;
WHEREAS, the UNITED STATES serves as a model for the "New World Order," and is now officially a "Police State" and will likely be under full "Martial Law" during George W. Bush's presidential term;
WHEREAS, the UNITED STATES has officially declared by law, that the President reserves the right to use "all means necessary and appropriate" to bring about the release from captivity of U.S. or allied personnel detained or imprisoned by or on behalf of the ICC. Literally interpreted, the U.S. has threatened to invade the Netherlands, a comparatively free and democratic society, should it employ the mandates of Public International Law;
WHEREAS, a world that allows the U.S. to "Lead" a so-called "War on Terror" in the name of "Freedom" and "Democracy" and the "Rule of Law" dooms itself to increasing terror, murder, and self-destruction;
WHEREAS, the UNITED STATES has no regard for its own laws or International Law, unless it works to the benefit of the U.S.;
WHEREAS, the UNITED STATES fears more than anything a mass awakening of human consciousness and a true and equal application of the "Rule of Law";
WHEN THE TRUTH BE KNOWN, George W. Bush will be identified for what he is, a traitor. A traitor whose will to power caused him to sacrifice his own people for untold profits through the Carlyle Group and oil interests. A traitor who by legitimate law, and even his own fascist laws, could be imprisoned for life or executed for high treason and mass murder;
WHEREAS, I publicly charge George W. Bush with active participation and/or direct involvement in the events of 9-11 for the purpose of advancing the "New World Order" and his personal wealth and power;
WHEREAS, I publicly charge George Bush Sr. and the UNITED STATES Government with "War Crimes" for its systematic Human Experimentation on myself and 600,000 other "Servicemembers" through the use of Pyridostigmine Bromide pills, Anthrax and Botulinum Toxoid vaccines, and exposure to Depleted Uranium during the "Gulf War";
WHEREAS, I publicly charge George Bush Sr. and the UNITED STATES Government with "Crimes Against Humanity" for its systematic use of Depleted Uranium (DU) in Iraq, the Balkans, and Puerto Rico, with full knowledge of the hideous biological affects of DU radiation exposure on the health of the civilian population;
WHEREAS, I and others have proof of every charge made within and I challenge any and all persons, especially within the U.S. Government, to a public debate on these accusations;
WHEREAS, the current absence of a permanent international court with the power to address legitimate 20th Century Crimes demands that the newly formed ICC fulfill this necessary role. Should the ICC neglect to do this, myself and others will work for the formation of an independent tribunal to file legal charges against the UNITED STATES for the above crimes, and more;
WHEREAS, as a peaceful, lawful person I pre-emptively denounce any future criminal charges against myself as a political attack intended to silence me;
WHEREAS, I denounce true terrorism and will never be a terrorist;
TO THE CITIZENS OF WESTERN NATIONS, it is our fear, inaction, and blind ignorance of propaganda that has thus far led us to endorse (through acquiescence) the UNITED STATES in "Leading" the so-called "War on Terror";
TO THE CITIZENS OF NON-WESTERN NATIONS, some of us from the West are truly ashamed of the historical and ongoing crimes of our nations and are committed to a process of true justice for all past and present crimes;
REGARDING POLITICAL ASYLUM IN HOLLAND, I was compelled to leave my home, family and Nation of Hawaii in order to avoid imprisonment and continue my role in the peaceful and lawful struggle for Hawaiian Independence and Global Justice;
WHEREAS, UNITED STATES Judge, David L. Fong, unlawfully issued an $11,000 Bench Warrant for my arrest on November 30, 2000;
WHEREAS, this $11,000 Bench Warrant is proven unlawful by the official audio recording of court proceedings on Nov. 30, 2000 and the official court transcript. (tape #W00-146: 414-464, Wahiawa);
WHEREAS, the action of the dishonorable Judge Fong, a sworn agent of the U.S., is a direct attempt by the UNITED STATES to intimidate and punish me primarily for my participation within and Allegiance to the Lawful Hawaiian Nation;
WHEREAS, this arrest warrant remains active to this day, in spite of its unlawful issuance and several attempts by myself to effect a legal remedy;
WHEREAS, I am not a criminal and am not fleeing any lawful prosecution;
In Recognition of the Above Facts, I acknowledge the nation of ones birth as an involuntary consequence, not duty. Therefore, I Kenneth Roy Nichols have Lawfully Renounced my UNITED STATES citizenship in accordance with U.S. Law, Public International Law and Human Rights Law, in favor of Statelessness; effective March 1, 2001;
WHEREAS, I have legally and voluntarily Renounced my U.S. citizenship and relinquished my US passport, # 120689595, to officials of UNITED STATES Consulates, twice (Us Consul Steve Giegerich - Vancouver 3-1-01/US Vice Consul Carl Risch - Amsterdam 11-26-01);
WHEREAS, I have publicly burned US passport #120689595 at the UNITED STATES Consulate in Amsterdam because it was returned to me for the second time;
WHEREAS, I claim the rights of no passport for any nation,
WHEREAS, I hold no US Social Security card;
WHEREAS, I hold no US drivers license;
WHEREAS, I claim no benefit, OF ANY KIND, from my former US citizenship;
WHEREAS, the might of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA is powerless in denying my Free Will, and therefore, there is no slave, subject, puppet or citizen for the UNITED STATES in Kenneth Roy Nichols;
WHEREAS, I will exercise and defend the Human Rights inherent in all people no matter who would attempt to deny them and no matter what the risks;
WHEREAS, I Kenneth Roy Nichols am a Self Determined Free Person of Planet Earth, and hereby pronounce my lawful status, effective March 1, 2001, as a Stateless World Citizen.

All objections to this Lawful NOTICE must be posted no later than July 31, 2002 to;
ATTN; Kenneth Roy Nichols
Schakelstede 1-3
3431 HB Nieuwegein
Thereafter All Objections Will Be Deemed Waived
"Power to the People"

1. INTERNATIONAL NOTICE (30 Day Objection Period)
2. Recipients
3. Ladies and Gentlemen of the US Federal Government
4. "Freedom"
5. UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - Article I
6. Summary to Date
7. "Citizen"
8. Human Experiments and the Gulf War - Miscarriages o Birth Defects o Depleted Uranium
9. "Allegiance"
10. Clarification of World View
11. Allegiance Hawaii
12. Historical Facts
13. US Opposition to International Human Rights
14. Renounce #1 - March 1st 2001
15. Public Law 103-150
16. US Response Lawful Renunciation #1
17. Jurisdiction
18. 15 Statutes at Large, Chapter 249 (Section 1)
19. The Constitution of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
20. Lawful Hawaiian Citizenship
21. Renounce #2 - November 26th 2002
23. Criminal Activity?
24. Tax Liability?
25. "The United States of Hypocrisy"
26. Does the State Department of the United States, still consider me a United States citizen???
27. Hidden Agenda of the US for Kenneth Nichols
28. I Am Not Your Property, Not Your Puppet, Nor Your Citizen. I Am Stateless!
29. Sowing Seeds
30. Conclusion


Date: May 1, 2002

To: George W. Bush - President (de facto)
Colin Powell - Secretary of State (de facto)
Ian G. Brownlee - Division Chief, Western Hemisphere Affairs
The Policy Review and Inter-Agency Liaison - US State Department &
William Margenhoff - Vice Consul US Consulate Amsterdam

From: Kenneth Roy Nichols

Ladies and Gentlemen of the US Federal Government,
Deceit and denial mixed with total disregard for internationally accepted human rights; that is how I would characterize your government. The purpose of this INTERNATIONAL NOTICE and Declaration is to establish the facts and lay the foundation for legal charges against you at a later date; my renunciation of US citizenship is by law already complete. So this Declaration in no way implies that I am in any way at the mercy of the US government. To the contrary, it affirms my perfect rights as a human being. The United States, for all its power, cannot shatter that hard fact. Enjoy the Declaration.

Be it known:
That I, Kenneth Roy Nichols, have been subjected to highly injurious & involuntary human experiments conducted by the US Military;
That the UNITED STATES of AMERICA has attempted to deny my freedom by violating due process of law via the Issuance of unlawful bench warrants for my arrest, and that these charges were proved false and yet remain active;
That the UNITED STATES of AMERICA intends to subvert my human right of Self Determination in order to retain jurisdiction over me;
That the UNITED STATES of AMERICA requires jurisdiction over me in order to extradite & imprison me at their convenience;
That I have entered the political asylum procedure of Holland in part, to defend myself against false imprisonment;
That I declare innocence to any & all charges against myself by the UNITED STATES of AMERICA or any of its puppet client states;

In Addition;
That the US Government has puppets and initiates serving elitist families and their agenda and that these elitists operate via secret societies;
That George W. Bush and his father are both members of one such society;
That 1% of US citizens control approximately 90% of US wealth;
That if I die or "Disappear," no matter what the circumstances, I hereby charge these same secretive elitist cowards with responsibility no matter what "Patsy" is presented as guilty;
That the primary goal of these pathetic secret stooges via the UNITED STATES Military is the fulfillment of the New World Order;
That the goal of the New World Order is total global domination;
That despite the odds, I commit to resisting all forms of global domination, beyond mortal life.

I hereby Exercise/Retain Absolutely All Rights Inherent in Human Beings by virtue of International Human Rights Law & Public International Law;

Should the United States or its agents wish to claim that I am liable for any violation of their "laws" (including taxes), I demand that these charges are filed against me immediately, or cease and desist with all injuries directed at me.

Over the course of two and a half years I have fulfilled the numerous requirements as outlined by both US law, and Public International Law, for legal renunciation of my birth citizenship of the United States of America. This process culminated on March 1, 2001.

It is critical to acknowledge that I had absolutely no control as to where I was born. But now, as a thinking moral person, I do have complete control over my political status. I acknowledge no entity as my master but myself; I am free person exercising and defending all human rights.

"Freedom and fear are at war. The advance of human freedom -- the great achievement of our time, and the great hope of every time -- now depends on us."
George W. Bush - State of the Union address on September 20, 2002

· freedom n 1 : the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : INDEPENDENCE c : EXEMPTION, RELEASE d : EASE, FACILITY e : FRANKNESS, OUTSPOKENNESS 2 a : a political right
Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary

· freedom, n. 1. The state of being free or liberated. 2. A political right.
Black's Law Dictionary - Seventh Edition

Your government continues to dishonor itself by attempting to deny my political and human right to freedom. By attempting to thwart these most essential political and human rights, you threaten the "Right of Self Determination," and you expose yourself to be a true enemy of freedom.

UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Ratification and Accession by General Assembly. Resolution 2200A (XXI) December 16, 1966. (ratified by the US in 1992)

The States Parties to the present Covenant,

Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Recognizing that these rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person,

Recognizing that, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ideal of free human beings enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his civil and political rights, as well as his economic, social and cultural rights,

Considering the obligation of States under the Charter of the United Nations to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and freedoms,

Realizing that the individual, having duties to other individuals and to the community to which he belongs, is under a responsibility to strive for the promotion and observance of the rights recognized in the present Covenant,

Agree upon the following articles:
Part I Article 1
1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

"Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world," and your government, as a Charter Member of the United Nations has the legal responsibility to "promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and freedoms." The language is unambiguous, only I have the right to determine my political status, otherwise there exists no human rights whatsoever. If these rights are denied, then we as human beings become nothing more than citizen/slaves of Nation States. Dangerous indeed. And is that the position the most powerful nation in the history of the world?

Summary To Date
As you are well aware, I now reside in Holland and have formally requested political asylum from the Dutch Government. It is my politically "subversive behavior" towards your oppressive authority that necessitated this drastic decision. Your "intelligence services," primarily the FBI, have for years had every incentive to monitor me. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the FBI does have quite a lengthy file on me, although by your own laws this is illegal unless I am a suspect of criminal activity. Yet I have never been accused of anything. I am what you call an "enemy of the state," and indeed, I am an enemy of any state that puts power and greed above all else, even human life. Naturally, it was merely a matter of time before I would become a political target. This persecution became ever clear and ultimately unacceptable, and it began at the very time my commitment to the Lawful Hawaiian Nation was decided (1999-2000). This was no coincidence. My activity was and is tantamount to overthrowing (peacefully) the US Government in Hawaii. As a result, when I left Hawaii I had an active $11, 000 "Bench Warrant" issued to arrest me for something I had proved false, but this is but one example of my personal targeting at the hands of your government. The bottom line is that my freedom was in grave jeopardy, and police brutality with the excuse of acting on the arrest warrants was an every day possibility. I was forced into a defensive posture, thereby draining precious energy from the cause of Hawaiian Independence. I was being "neutralized" mentally and the threat of physical loss of freedom was looming. In order to remain physically free and mentally focused I was compelled to leave Hawaii, the nation of my allegiance, my home. I did not do so lightly. As for the nation of my birth, I do not plan to return to California or any other State in America. Such is the extent of my repugnance towards the American Government. Your disgusting contribution to this world has in my case shattered the sacred bond one has with the land of his birth. It is with Hawaii and the kanaka maoli that this sacred bond exists for me now, and forever. Holland for me, is a place of temporary refuge, and I am grateful for the refuge it avails me.

The need for me as a man of conscience to divorce myself from the US stems from the actions of your government from the moment it was born, but most of all, its actions over the last century. The level of injustice and hypocrisy is simply impossible to measure. What I am ultimately stating within this declaration is already known to thinking people (not "educated") around the world, and the people on the receiving end of your bombs or economic oppression are difficult to brainwash, so it is that these people know the truth I speak. Aside from the comparatively wealthy Western societies of America and Western Europe, whose populations (to a great degree) have been lulled into a morally comatose state of existence, the United States is regarded as a hypocritical rouge nation that is tolerated only out of fear of reprisal. A rouge that is completely out of control, Drunk on its own Power. A rouge that seriously threatens to destroy all life as we know it through its global rape of the natural world and sheer insanity in developing weapons of mass destruction.

It is necessary to understand the relationship between the actions of your government and my actions as a human being. We cannot understand one without understanding the other. Central to my exercising the right of renunciation is the criminal terrorist policies of the U.S. My previous written explanations for renouncing US citizenship have not convinced your government of my seriousness, therefore I must address your actions in order to make myself completely clear.

"The contract (to build 3000 + Joint Strike Fighter Jets) could bring the winning firm some 400 billion dollars when global sales are counted. The sales will probably be more than 400 billion over the life of the contract. This would be without a doubt the biggest defense contract ever."
David Williams - Washington (AFP) Oct 26, 2001

"This is a wonderful day for Lockheed Martin, one day that will set a course for the next 30 to 40 years,"
Vance Coffman - CEO & Chairman of Lockheed Martin on being awarded the 400 billion dollar contract at their employee celebration party. Oct 26, 2001.

"Have at the cake," he added.

Truly perverse, only a society devoid of all compassion could see value in spending 400 billion dollars to build 3000 weapons of mass destruction. In fact, the total value of the contract is being estimated at 1 Trillion Dollars over the next nine years. One can only imagine what benefit that money could serve for humanity?

As a most recent example of direct US support and capitulation in war crimes we can look to the actions of your good buddy Ariel Sharon and your puppet state of Israel.

"Shocking and horrifying beyond belief. The stench of decaying corpses everywhere."
Terje Roed-Larsen - U.N. Special Envoy to the Middle East on the Palestinian Refugee Camp of Jenin post Sharon/Israel/US Invasion - CNN - April 18, 2002

Later, when Roed-Larsen was asked if he saw evidence of war crimes he responded by saying; "No comment." Seems Roed-Larsen is not naïve about the US power directly behind Israel's criminal operation and the wrath sure to be brought down on him should he answer that question. The weapons used to carry out this atrocity were of course, supplied by the US and the US taxpayer. Little do the American people know the extent of atrocities committed with US tax dollars.

"Prime Minister Sharon is a dear friend" and "a man of peace!"
George Bush - Washington Post April 19, 2002, within 24 hours of the Jenin Operation

What planet are you from George? Is that how "peaceful" beings act there? Thinking people around the world including myself are in awe of your grandiose stupidity. "Dumb and Dumber" describes the whole soap opera sideshow that is the real America. It would be "comical beyond belief" if it weren't for the horrendous tragedies that result from it.

Regardless of your insanity, my human rights are not conditioned on US approval. Otherwise they would not be human rights. The question is; how much longer will your government futilely attempt to deny my right of Self Determination? My rights remain in tact no matter how powerful you believe your government, police, military, FBI, CIA and all the rest to be. You have oppressed your benefactor population by extensive manipulation of facts, total control of major media, police action and intimidation, among other methods. The most courageous; indeed the best of America have been ruthlessly punished. Some murdered, some imprisoned, some simply beaten into submission. This is what you intended for me. This is a pattern so uniform, it is rare to find an exception. I had no intention of becoming yet another of your statistics, better to fight free in Holland, than fight and quite possibly die while imprisoned in America. Fight I will, and my greatest weapon? The Truth. Indeed it is the truth that has set me free, and I will till my death and beyond continue to help free others. As a result of the facts above, it has become necessary once again to explain the basics of law and procedure along with defining certain words in order to make everything crystal clear. First we shall start with a definition.

· citizen \sit-e-zen\ n 1 : an inhabitant of a city or town; esp : one entitled to the rights and privileges of a freeman 2 a : a member of a state b : a native or naturalized person who owes allegiance to a government and is entitled to reciprocal protection from it - Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary

· citizen, n. 1. A person who, by either birth or naturalization, is a member of a political community, owing allegiance to the community and being entitled to enjoy all its civil rights and protections; a member of the civil state, entitled to all its privileges. - Black's Law Dictionary - Seventh Edition

So am I a citizen of the United States?
1. Well I am not the "inhabitant" of any US city or town. Furthermore I do not reside in any colony, such as Hawaii, US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, Diego Garcia, Guantanamo Bay, etc.
2. I vehemently reject the so-called "privileges", "protections", and enjoyment of "civil rights" of the United States. In fact, I have personally witnessed and documented blatant civil (human) rights violations of ARTICLE I, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, XIV, XV of the United States Bill of Rights, and all of this carried out by sworn agents of the US Government.
3. I was born as a California native in the US; however, we now have to define the word "allegiance" which is conspicuously attached to the criteria for citizenship.

· allegiance. 1. A citizen's obligation of fidelity and obedience to the government or sovereign in return for the benefits of the protection of the state.
Black's Law Dictionary - Seventh Edition

In order to identify any allegiance to America we should explore America's treatment of me.

Miscarriages - Birth Defects - Depleted Uranium
In 1989, I conducted one of the stupidest actions of my life; I joined the US Marine Corps.

"No President can easily commit our sons and daughters to war. They are the nations finest. May God bless each and every one of them." - George Bush Sr. - State of the Union address, January 16, 1991 - Beginning of War on Iraq

"May God bless each and every one of them." Cursed is more like it. I ultimately participated in the Gulf War massacre. Today, I consider this a shamefully ignorant act on my behalf. My stupidity was rewarded by experiencing first hand, the ground war that began a month later. During this "war" I was exposed to the combat environment of retreating Iraqi soldiers. For this, my unit (2cd Battalion 4th Marines) was awarded a "Combat Action Ribbon." And it is combat conditions that provided the greatest exposure for ground troops to Depleted Uranium (DU), something we knew nothing about at the time. As you know, DU dust is produced via armor-piercing munitions used by the US and Britain. It is an undeniable fact that Bush Sr. was fully aware that the sons and daughters who were the nations finest were unwittingly being exposed to DU, something that has caused immense pain and suffering for Americans, but even more hideously, for Iraqi mothers and fathers and their children. I believe this is proof positive that Bush Sr. is a most dishonorable man at least, or a war criminal that is responsible for mass murder of his own "sons and daughters" at worst. I will charge the latter.

"Tests show Gulf War victims have uranium poisoning" - The Sunday Times (London) September 3rd 2000

American and British forces fired more than 700,000 DU shells during the conflict. This amounts to approximately 315 tons of DU dust left by the use of DU ammunition. 600,000 soldiers including myself were not warned of DU hazards in the Gulf. It is this Depleted Uranium dust that may ultimately lead to my death. My "blessing" as a US Serviceman.

"We tested urine samples from 30 veterans from the USA, UK, Canada and Iraq. Their locations cover the whole of the ground war region. The samples were analyzed for isotopic composition of uranium isotopes by the delayed neutron activation method and confirmed by surface ionization mass spectrometry.

It is more likely that it will take 10 years or longer, for six to ten percent, i.e. 36,000 of the 600,000 veterans exposed would succumb to fatal cancers."
Dr. Hari Sharma of the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Eleven years later, just what is in store for me?... continue