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My lawful WSA World citizen passport (#321831.)

After having voluntarily relinquished my U.S. passport twice and having it returned to me twice I burned my first US passport on July 1, 2002 in Amsterdam; seventeen days later the U.S. claimed I was still a U.S. citizen; because I had 'no other nationality' (see 'Renounce - 'Statement of Understanding''). When deported from Turkey back to Italy after presenting my WSA World citizen passport in February 2003 I seriously faced the denial of the supposedly 'inherent' human right to travel (Article 13 Section 2) and ultimately get to Iraq; after calling on thousands of Western citizens to do just that I had little choice but to request an 'emergency' US passport; which I oh so reluctantly did, 'under duress,' which means I cannot lawfully be considered a US citizen because I in no way whatsoever agree to the 'rights and obligations' of US citizenship.