Ken's Photo Album/Basis-of-Vegetarianism---Sl.jpg

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My father ignorantly battled heart disease for twenty years with the criminal advice of the US Veterans Administration (VA). These "doctors" never told him the truth about how to self heal (because they do not even know this themselves probably) and instead they prescribed up to 100 pills a day, multiple surgical procedures, and virtually no meaningful direction in dietary change. None of this crap made him healthier, but it did make the hospitals huge money. The medical/pharmaceutical industries are among the most horrifically inhumane and fraudulent of all criminal activities that humanity is involved in. When the truth be known the "leaders" in the "health field" will be understood for what they are; mass murderers. My father bought into their lies and for the last 20 years of his life he was a mental and physical wreck and when he died he looked like an advanced AIDS patient.

I know that had I myself continued my animal based diet I would have followed in his footsteps, and indeed his fathers footsteps. Half of all American men have heart attacks, and half of them die from heart disease, yet hardly any of them get anything other than dangerous, expensive, but highly profitable drug or surgical therapies. For me, I wisely/fortunately decided to become a strict vegetarian and will simply never have a heart attack nor ever worry about one. The peace of mind I get from this is enormous and the quality of life I enjoy as a result is priceless. To me, this is proof positive of physical Karma in action.

Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519
"I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men."

"Nothing will be left. Nothing in the air, nothing under the earth, nothing in the waters. All will be hunted down, all exterminated."
- From Da Vincis Notes

"Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others: We are burial places!" - Merijkowsky, Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci