Ken's Photo Album/Humpback-Whale-Double-Breac.jpg

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Hawaiian Humpback Whales in a double breach. Before leaving Hawaii I captained one season of whale watching tours and the encounters we had were absolutely awe inspiring. Right now the International Whaling Commission (the body that governs the hunting of whales) is on the verge of eliminating the commercial whaling ban that has helped bring some species back from the brink of extinction. Given the propaganda created fever pitch for the farce known as the "War on Terror," the agenda for the whale killers becomes a back page story and this puts the whales at much greater risk. Many whale species have already gone extinct and this is one of the reasons why I consider Captain Paul Watson (founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society) to be a true living legend. Nobody has saved more marine life than Paul, and I am honored to call him a dear and most respected friend. Photo James D. Watt