Ken's Photo Album/Ken-&-Ruth's-Miscarried-Gul.jpg

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This is the baby that would have been ours but miscarried instead. This was traumatic for both of us but especially for Ruth, it was more than a "miscarriage" for her, it was our baby. Ruth has had two children but with me it was seemingly impossible. She always insisted that there was damage from the Gulf War because of this fact and I always dismissed it. Now I think however that she may have been right.

I was likely exposed to depleted uranium in the Gulf combat areas and was also given admittedly experimental shots and pills that are directly linked to Gulf War Syndrome. It is likely that if I do have depleted uranium in my lungs that I will die of cancer in the next few years, this is what the best independent science shows us. Thus far however I see no signs of this. But this miscarriage represented the very real fact that I was a human guinea pig for my nations government (along with the 600,000 other service men and women) and at the end of the day these people who send us to war or simply slaughter people in distant lands could care less about human life or any life other than their own. That goes for Bush Jr. & Sr., Clinton, and virtually every president of the 20th Century. If you want to see the insanely horrific consequences of using depleted uranium than simply click on the following link to see the obscene birth deformities that have occurred in Southern Iraq in the very areas where depleted uranium was used. I am publicly charging the United States (specifically George Bush Sr. with Crimes against Humanity for his knowing use of this horrible radioactive weapon). This is not some personal vendetta, it is the acknowledgment of criminal facts that hurt people in the most disgusting of ways. I will, as a thinking and compassionate human being, never trust any of the servants to this global system of violence and war. That pretty much covers all of the so-called "leaders" of the "free world" along with the tyrannical dictators put in place by them. We will never have peace as long as we continue to try and "vote" our way to sanity. Especially in America, the "two party" system is an absolute joke, and the American people are being duped in the most obvious of ways. Wake the fuck up please!