Ken's Tattoos/Petrified_1.jpg

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"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul." - Mark Twain

This tattoo is the one asked about most by people I meet. The gargoyle was taken from a painting by an amazing artist, Michael Parkes. In the painting you can see three gargoyles, two of which appear quite menacing; holding a crouching, hostile and essentially petrified position. On the other hand the jumping gargoyle is in an outstretched act of non-threatening pursuit of a bubble blown by the young girl.

To me the two menacing gargoyles are stuck in a stagnate and self-destructive state while the other gargoyle is animate and obtaining freedom. The Mark Twain quote (top of page) compliments the meaning of the tattoo perfectly.

Tattoo by Larry - Aloha tattoo, Kailua, Hawaii.