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Subversion 101.

Step 1 in subversion; get the action leader away from the action participants and spread rampant lies about him. Myself in Amsterdam; honouring a commitment to speak while the busses were in Paris.

There was a faction of three main players who were most responsible for subversive acts intended to undermine me and ultimately the action itself. I cannot know for sure if these people were just selfish wankers or active agents for MI-6 or CIA but there impact was catastrophic. I will name these people in my upcoming book in which I will put forward all of the relevant facts; this I do in order to prevent these individuals from harming more good work of others.

Imagine this; you initiate an action and put every ounce of your being, blood, sweat and tears into that action. You do this knowing that your personal chances of surviving the action are relatively slim if you fail in it's primary goal. People join you because they say they believe in you and the action. But some of these people carefully manipulate the situation so that you are in Amsterdam while the action participants are in Paris. These same people than blatantly defy a well understood agreement to remain in Paris for 24 hours and instead take the busses and the action participants away without even giving you a phone call. This effectively leaves you stranded in Paris upon your return. How angry might you be?

Add to this travesty the fact that while you are forcefully separated from the action participants for roughly five days incredible lies are being spread about you to the action participants themselves. Lies such as quoting me as saying; "if you are not with me, you are against me." Where have we heard that before. Lies like I was literally possessed by the devil and had gone completely mad. Lies like my non-profit organization the Universal Kinship Society was not legally valid. Lies like I was taking Human Shield donations and paying off personal parking tickets. Lies like I was nothing more than an ego maniacal lunatic who only did what he did for publicity. Lies like... on and on and on.

And shamefully many action participants bought that shite. As I said previously I am still somewhat shocked at their stupidity in this regard. The fact is that none of these people at this point had ever really even talked with me; how could they, I had not a spare moment between interviews and meetings and logistical work such as personally putting the vinyl lettering on the three busses the night before setting off from London, which is why I got no sleep that night. No, all these people needed to know the real me was to come to them via gossip and lies and that was enough for total judgment. Truly pathetic, but something any and all leaders will have to accept as par for the course if they really intend to fight for Truth Justice & Peace in this world.

My top priority of passionately calling for a "mass migration to Iraq" immediately changed after Paris to protect the integrity and autonomy of the action which I knew was now being taken over; this change in priority alone is truly tragic. Had my energy not been diverted this way and we all actually worked together in good faith I still honestly believe we could have gotten the numbers we needed to make the coming invasion politically untenable and ultimately stop the mass murder that came to be reality. This is my great disappointment that will always cut deep because I know we could have saved so many more lives.

And amazingly the bullshit residue of the Human Shield Soap Opera of Lies is not dead in the minds of some; I was to confirm that on this trip to Iraq.