A New Year In Iraq (1 of 3)/60a.jpg

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A lighter moment with kids that prove oh so well that much more love is what we so desperately need in our world. I am convinced that each one of these kids could be saved from the dark realities of streets if only they had love and commitment and security. But lacking the love these kids are largely emotional wrecks, the life they have would make most Westerners crack in no time. Despite this however it is nothing short of amazing how a little love can bring back that innocence and hope; I saw it in their eyes and it moved me ever so deeply. The orphanage offered them that love.

But in my case comes the reality that I am transient, I will not be staying to continue giving that love on a regular and needed basis. That begs questioning the value of short term visitors who build any kind of bond with the children only to leave and perhaps foster their belief that everyone lets them down in the end. I am not oblivious to this possibility but in the end I do see this as a painful reality for expressing your humanity and seeing the dark realities of world for yourself in order to effect greater individual understanding, less injustice and more peace.

It reminds me of a story I saw about a woman who volunteered to distribute food in the famine stricken 1980's Ethiopia. She was forced to pick those who would receive food and those who would not because there was not enough food for all. Ultimately she was forced to choose who lived and who died when of course she wanted to save them all. Her story was that of immense pain and guilt for not being able to do more. I know this pain and guilt very well and the best I can do with these painful emotions is to channel them into strength, put that strength into action and hopefully the ability to do more.

The other obvious option is that of becoming a cynic, the one so easily and shamefully chosen option by far too many in Western society.